• The Nature of the Trips

 Caravane desert Et Montagne specialises in tours run mostly in remote or developing areas. There may be possible dangers of this type of travel (e.g. limited medical facilities, trekking distances to the nearest services involving time delay in the event of an emergency, mountain and desert travel, non standard accommodations, travel in vehicles off road etc) and that the conditions can mean a greater risk of discomfort, sickness, natural disaster etc. Safety standards are not what we expect in the West. You travel at your own risk, and Caravane Desert Et Montagne is not to be held responsible for any accident to you or your property. Delays and unexpected cancellations can and do happen, meaning loss of time or changes of plan. We cannot be held responsible for such situations, nor are we liable for refunds. This is all part of this type of adventure travel. The itineraries shown should be viewed as an aim rather than definite as the need for flexibility is an important part of these trips. The final decision of the itinerary and conduct of the tour will be taken by your tour leader in the interests of the group/or clients as a whole, including sickness on route, as the interest of the medical welfare of the individual(s) will take precedence over the itinerary as a whole

  • Insurance 

It is a condition of booking that you be adequately insured for the holiday. Insurance should include adequate cover for baggage, loss of money, personal accident, medical expenses and cost of repatriation (including international medical emergency service). 

  • Behaviour 

Caravane Desrt et Monatgne is committed to maintaining the culture in the areas in which we travel. The leader or our tour has full authority on the trip. Information regarding cultural sensitivity will be sent to you before you embark on your journey and will be explained on the journey, especially with regard to remote regions. To fulfill the booking requirement you must have read this and behave accordingly during the trip. If you commit an illegal act or behave offensively or in a way that is detrimental to the safety and welfare of other members of the group, including the guides, your leader may ask you to leave at any stage. We would no longer liable for such a person and no refund would be due.  

  • Children and Infants 

The risks of taking children and infants on the trip are entirely the responsibility of the adults accompanying them.

 Booking Advice

  • Trekking and other adventurous activities

As some of the tours offered by Caravane desrt Et Montagne involve adventure travel for a number of days you should be be sure that you are well and able enough to undertake this kind of activity, for your own safety and that of other members of the tour. The aim of the trek will not be to cover as much distance as possible and we would hope to walk at a comfortable pace to suit the slowest member of the group but we do have points to reach and you will need to have a reasonable degree of stamina and fitness. Once you have booked it is advisable to take regular exercise and build yourself up slowly to the tour. The more you do before, the greater your enjoyment will be on the journey. Consider whether you are suitable for this kind of travel as the amenities may well be extremely basic once you have embarked on a trek. Caravne Desert et Montagne is not operating in regions with standard tourist facilities so please bear in mind this fact when embarking on a journey with us that involves time spent away in rural areas. 

                                                                                                    ENJOY YOURSELVES !