The music of the sahara desert and Draa Valley region, where we have done many recherches and many music tours with various amators and musicians, is like a morrocan salade with many kinds of coulors and vegetables. 

The influence of the jewsish arabe and africaine is remarcable. The local music using drumps and traditional instruments made by hands of the musicians, intille the arrival of the modern instruments which gives birthfor many groups in the area. 

Our music tours give the chance for lovers of discovring that kinds of music, the music of the soul. 

We arrange tours, during time of festivals: 

 - In October : Festival of Safran in Talouine including a cultural tours to the Berber villages in the region, by car or by mules. 

 - In Avril festival of nomads in The desert including a cultural tour to the Draa Valley and the Sahara desert.

 In May The festival of Ahwach in The region of Essaffen including a cultural tour in the region. 

The music tours contents : days of music and days of the cultural tours. In total 8-9 days from Marrakech back to Marrakech.

The price of the music tours depends of the numbers of the group.